
Victoria and Albert Museum

The V&A is the world’s leading museum of art, design and performance, housing a permanent collection of over 2.3 million objects that span over 5,000 years of human creativity.

The museum holds many of the UK‘s national collections and houses some of the greatest resources for the study of architecture, furniture, fashion, textiles, photography, sculpture, painting, jewellery, glass, ceramics, book arts, Asian art and design, theatre and performance.

We present here a selection of designs from our collaboration with the V&A. If you would like to explore the range further or require more information, please contact us.

Barrisol's Collections : Victoria and Albert Museum

The House that Jack Built - Arts and Crafts | AA6362
Wandle - Arts and Crafts | AC7225
Oiseaux et fruits - AM5039
Birds and fruit - Arts and Crafts | AM5039
Lionne - AM5040
Lioness - Arts and Crafts | AM5040
Arts and Crafts | AM5042
Birds and vines - Arts and Crafts | AM5042
Oiseaux et raisins - AM5048
Birds and grapes - Arts and Crafts | AM5048
Bourrache - AM5180
Borage - Arts and Crafts | AM5180
Combinaison Suisse - AM5330
Combination Swiss - Arts and Crafts | AM5330
Sombre Helena - AM5347
Dark Helena - Arts and Crafts | AM5347
Oiseaux sur des vignes - AM5349
Birds on vines - Arts and Crafts | AM5349
Le Voleur de Fraises - AM8935
Strawberry Thief - Arts and Crafts | AM8935
Vénitien - AM9914
Venetian - Arts and Crafts | AM9914
Anémone - AM9918
Anemone - Arts and Crafts | AM9918
Rosé et rose - AN5178
Pink and Rose - Arts and Crafts | AN5178
Hydrangea - AN5387
Hydrangea - Arts and Crafts | AN5387
Lys d'or - AT4628
Golden Lily - Arts and Crafts | AT4628
Trellis - AV1148
Trellis - Arts and Crafts | AV1148
Jasmin - AV2048
Jasmine - Arts and Crafts | AV2048
Trellis - AV2110
Trellis - Arts and Crafts | AV2110
Mouettes et goélands - AV2453
Seagulls - Arts and Crafts | AV2453
Rosé et rose - AY8691
Pink and Rose - Arts and Crafts | AY8691
Oswin - BD5176
Oswin - Arts and Crafts | BD5176
Compton - BD5548
Compton - Arts and Crafts | BD5548
Saladin - BF1187
Saladin - Arts and Crafts | BF1187
Pomme - BF2640
Apple - Arts and Crafts | BF2640
Pomme - BF2642
Apple - Arts and Crafts | BF2642
Briar - BF3057
Briar - Arts and Crafts | BF3057
Mallow - BF3636
Mallow - Arts and Crafts | BF3636
Rose et Chardon - BF6565
Rose and Thistle - Arts and Crafts | BF6565
Jasmin - BF6694
Jasmine - Arts and Crafts | BF6694
Oiseaux et feuillage - BF6828
Birds and foliage - Arts and Crafts | BF6828
Damas - AF0163
Moorish - Ceramics | AF0163
Damas - AF0171
Damascus - Ceramics | AF0171
Ceramics | AF0192
Iznik - Ceramics | AF0192
Iznik - AF0211
Iznik - Ceramics | AF0211
Iznik - AF0211
Iznik - Ceramics | AF0214
Scène de fête - AV6744
Festive scene - Ceramics | AV6744
Art Nouveau - BB3339
Art Nouveau - Ceramics | BB3339
Scène de cour intérieure - BG1347
Courtyard scene - Ceramics | BG1347
Géométrique - BG7778
Geometric - Ceramics | BG7778
Clifton Hill - AF9689
Weymouth - Paintings | AF9689
Clifton Hill - AF9695
Clifton Hill - Paintings | AF9695
L'immensité - AG3252
L'immensité - Paintings | AG3252
Dulcinea del Toboso - AM2606
Dulcinea del Toboso - Paintings | AM2606
Venise - AM7613
Venice - Paintings | AM7613
Brighton Beach - AP4487
Brighton Beach - Paintings | AP4487
Le port de Londres - AR0781
The Port of London - Paintings | AR0781
Stoke - Moulin à vent - AT1347
A windmill at Stoke - Paintings | AT1347
Brighthelmstone - BB5719
Brighthelmstone - Paintings | BB5719
Couvre-lit - AT5529
Coverlet - Patchworks | AT5529
Tentures de lit - AT5941
Bed hangings - Patchworks | AT5941
Tentures de lit - AT5942
Bed hangings - Patchworks | AT5942
Couvre-lit - BE6423
Bed cover of silk - Patchworks | BE6423
Couvre-lit - BF8684-blue
Couvre-lit - BF8684-green
Sauter par-dessus le dos d'un garçon - AF3656
Jumping over Boy’s Back - Photography | AF3656
Ciel nuageux - AH2028
Cloud Sky - Photography | AH2028
Le remorqueur - AH2030
The Tugboat - Photography | AH2030
Le phare et la jetée - AH2031
The Lighthouse and Jetty - Photography | AH2031
Vue de Mer - AH2032
Vue de Mer - Photography | AH2032
Mer Méditerranée - AH2079
Mediterranean Sea - Photography | AH2079
Un homme enlevant son canotier - AM6566
Man taking off his boater - Photography | AM6566
Couple de danseurs - AU1475
Dancing Couple - Photography | AU1475
Une équipe de chiens au repos - BC2074
A Dog Team Resting - Photography | BC2074
Une caverne dans un iceberg - BC2075
A Cavern in an Iceberg - Photography | BC2075
Tournesols et Hirondelles - AM7797
Sunflowers and swallows - Stained Glass | AM7797
Tournesols et Hirondelles - AM7798
Sunflowers and swallows - Stained Glass | AM7798
Tournesols et Hirondelles - AM7799
Sunflowers and swallows - Stained Glass | AM7799
Musique - AT1343
Music - Stained Glass | AT1343
Musique - AT6994
Musique - Stained Glass | AT6994
L'héroïne homérique Pénélope - AT7010
The Homeric heroine Penelope - Stained Glass | AT7010
Floral - AL3707
Floral - Wallpaper | AL3704
Colombine - AL3704
Columbine - Wallpaper | AL3704
Gerbes de roses - AL7156
Sprays of roses - Wallpaper | AL7156
Wallpaper | AN8739
Le Castel Bèranger - Wallpaper | AN8739
Joncs et iris - AW0490
Bullrushes and irises - Wallpaper | AW0490
Fleur de pommier - AX7184
Apple Blossom - Wallpaper | AX7184
Chinoiserie - AX8259
Chinoiserie - Wallpaper | AX8259
Romana - BC6315
Romana - Wallpaper | BC6315
Incas - BF1282
Incas - Wallpaper | BF1282
Swan - BF6823
Swan - Wallpaper | BF6823