Carole Kohler, born in Switzerland in 1967, creates abstract images and sculptures using mixed media and carries out Augmented Reality projects. She was educated at the school of arts and crafts (Kunstgewerbeschule) in Biel, before training as an interior designer. She worked as a set designer in Turkey, painted with children suffering from cancer in Soweto and with young elephants in Thailand. 25 years ago, on her travels around the world, her artistic creations began with photo-realistic charcoal portraits of indigenous people and paintings of wild animals. Walking with camels through the Sahara opened her mind and finally led her toleave the world of figurative art behind and dedicate herself to abstract art.
In 2015, she won the “Prix de la Sarrazine” art prize, allowing her to work in the beautiful region of Provence for 8 months.
In 2018, she came second in the international art competition, Parco Artistico Leonardo, in Italy. Carole works all over the world and has already exhibited in many different countries.